Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I have just a couple of photos from Easter. I wanted to get a family shot at church but it didn't work out for some reason!

Easter is a glorious day!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Amazing First Year!

It is hard to believe my baby girl is 1 year old! This has been such an incredible year! I am so thankful for all the gifts God has given me! Watching this miracle of a baby grow into an active almost toddler has been so fun! Every day is filled with adventures. When I was pregnant, someone told me a quote that has stuck with me:
"When you have a child, the days seem longer but the years seem shorter". I think this is so true. It's hard to believe a year has passed. But there were definitely some days when it seemed bedtime would never come! Fortunately those days have been rare!

At her one year check up she weighed 18 lbs 5 oz (10%) and was 28 1/4" inches long (25%). She is a petite thing!

On her actual birthday I was flooded with all the memories that seem so vivid. I have a journal entitled "Letters to my Daughter" and I was rereading all those entries and seeing how far we have come!

Madeline loves balloons and she had quite a few on this day. We met my parents and Uncle Kevin for lunch and then stoppped by to see Mark's parents.

Ok, I just tried to upload pics and they aren't on the SIM chip. I will find them and post soon!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Walking with Dino

I saw Madeline walking behind the dinosaur for the first time yesterday! What a big girl! Mark said he has seen her do it before but I sure hadn't! She has so much fun pushing it around and any animals or walls or stereo speakers that are in her way better watch out!!

Madeline's onesie reads: "Still Living at Home". Very cute from Aunt Sarah.

But Madeline is growing up! She can pull up and cruise now and I know the first step isn't far away. We are starting to wean in anticipation of her first birthday and our vacation. It's been very bittersweet. I only nurse her in the mornings and evenings. I have definitely been more sad than I thought I would be. She doesn't need me for her food anymore. I will say I look forward to the mornings when Mark can get up with her!

She definitely knows what she wants and doesn't. When eating dinner, if there is something she doesn't want, we get an arched back and a sweep of the hand on the tray to knock things off for Maarten. Madeline is very nice at sharing. She will offer food and share. But don't try to take a yogurt melt or a puff! She doesn't share those. She loves to look at books.

I left her for the first time with a non-grandparent baby-sitter last week while I went to play tennis. Life's a journey and there are always changes on the horizon! She has started doing better when we take her to the church nursery or the nursery at the gym. For awhile she was very upset to see Mark and me leave.

The Stairmaster

Madeline's legs are getting a workout with the stairs! She could climb them all day long if we allowed it. We haven't mastered getting down. We have a gate at the bottom and when I am in the kitchen she'll crawl over the the gate and gaze longingly up the stairs. It must tired her out because she is still sleeping great! She sleeps 8pm-8am with 2 naps a day. I definitely think she inherited my love of sleeping. Thank goodness!!

Fun with Dino

Madeline received this dinosaur for Christmas from Nana and Grandad. Originally she was interested in it just for the sounds it would make by pressing the scales on his head. Since then, the dino has definitely become a favorite! She loves to be pushed while riding!

11 Months

Madeline is 11 months old! We had an ear infection so our weight during this month (unofficially at a sick visit) is 18 lbs 2 oz. Madeline is so smiley and happy. We have a great time playing with the animals, taking walks and just wandering around the house looking at things that appear interesting!! Madeline can now stand by the rocker!

"I love the Earth"

Madeline is helping to sort the recycling.

A Bit O' Green

Happy St. Patricks Day! Check out the bow, it's almost as big as her head!