Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The ladies of the house

We have a new addition- Maarten, our 8 month old golden retriever puppy. We decided having an 8 month old baby wasn't enough. She is very fun and we are working on house breaking. She came to us from Adopt a Golden Atlanta. I'll try to get a photo of the men of the house but since Mark doesn't like cats, it is hard to get a picture of him with Yoda.


Madeline and Brooks had a date a couple of weeks ago. Brooks is our godson and potential suitor. Sally and I had a great time watching these 2 interact. They even shared a crib for a few moments!! Don't tell Madeline's father!!

Madeline- 8 months

I must say this is the cutest reindeer ever! Unfortunately this reindeer is a little under the weather. She has a yucky cold complete with a cough, runny nose and teary eyes. I hope she can rally to feel well on Christmas!
Madeline weighs approximately 17 lbs and 5 oz!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Just Playing

This morning Madeline was playing with a new toy and Mark just had to grab the camera and capture some of these images.

"I drive a 5 speed, just like Mommy!!"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Turkey Day 2010

Our Thanksgiving was filled with fun, family, friends and FOOD! Since we are so fortunate to live near both of our families, we have plenty of eating to do. No turkey for Madeline this year but definitely next year she can partake! It was a great day to give thanks for all we have but since this little lady has arrived, I feel like everyday is Thanksgiving. My heart overflows with love and joy each and every day. I am thankful God has made her a part of our lives! We are also thankful for the many people over the years that have made it possible for us to enjoy our lives in peace.

Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Geoff, Lauren, Graham, Madeline, Mark and me

If you can, try to take a look at Madeline's hair. This child has so much of it that I keep trying out different styles. This was our first time with the 2 pigtails. I do think it is time for a trim, though. It's hard to believe a 7 month baby would need their haircut but it is getting in her eyes. Plus she has some really longgggggg strands in the back that look like a mullet. I'll try be trying out some more styles. I am open to suggestions!

Grammy and Boompie with their grandkids.

Uncle Kevin, Madeline and me on a turkey break

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jungle Baby's Nursery

I wanted to post some pictures of the finished nursery. It wasn't completely ready when Madeline arrived since she came early. When you think you have 3 more weeks to finish things, not everything gets done! I was so happy with the way everything turned out. I think it's a lovely room for a baby and I love spending time in there.
There is a lot of green but now that we know it's a girl, splashes of pink have been making their appearance.

You might think it odd that there is a refrigerator in the nursery. This was certainly not planned. We had such a hard time nursing in the beginning and it was hard on me to pump all the time and then go up and downstairs (with a sore bottom) many times to put the milk up. So my sweet precious husband headed to Cosco to pick up the fridge and it was a lifesaver! I think Mark really just wanted the fridge for the man cave but this was a good excuse to buy it!! ;) I am happy to say the fridge moved out many months ago since nursing is now breezy! I know there are a few people out there who can appreciate the oddity of having a fridge in the nursery!!

Madeline- 7 months

I am having a hard time posting pictures from several events like Madeline's baptism, Presbyterian Heritage Day and some others but I will skip ahead to her 7 months pictures. We actually had a dr appt for some shots this month so I do have a weight on her: 16 lbs 10 oz at 7 months.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Her Baptism

On Halloween, our sweet girl was baptized. It was such a special day celebrating the love God has for all of us, even tiny babies. We can't do anything to earn His love, it is just given to us. My dear friend Emily baptized Madeline and reminded Mark and me of our own promises to each other and to Madeline.

ok, pictures are not uploading right now. I'll try again later. :(
1/14/2011 I am determined to at least get one picture of her baptism on here. I don't know why I am having so much trouble loading them.

Gamecock Girls!

Madeline has had a wonderful first season with the Gamecocks! Maybe she was the one who broke the chicken curse. Here we are supporting our team. Mark calls us his Gamecock Girls. I hope the Gamecocks can pull off a victory this weekend in the SEC Championship! Thanks for the cute outfit, Aunt Sarah!

Madeline- 6 months

Madeline is 6 months old! For her half birthday, she got a pink heart balloon to celebrate! She got a wonderful report. Dr. Campbell says she is doing great! She is 15 lbs 11 oz (50%) and 25 3/4" long (50%) and her head is still small- 25%. It's been a quick, fun 6 months!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rice Cereal- yum!

At 6 months, we have embarked upon a new realm of food: solids. After 6 months of the ease of nursing (after a rocky start) and being able to feed her anywhere, anytime without having to have supplies, we are now needing spoons, containers, cereal, bibs, highchairs, etc at feeding time. Madeline is doing very well with it. Soon will be fruits and veggies!

Highland Games at Stone Mountain

Continuing the Macdonald clan tradition of attending the games, we headed out to Stone Mountain with our newest addition. It was a beautiful day and Madeline did really well! She was mesmerized by all the activities and the guys wearing skirts. When she gets older we'll explain why Daddy sometimes wears his kilt.

In this picture ghost Aunt Elizabeth is holding up Madeline.


Mark is really into fishing, especially fly-fishing. He gives guided trips on the Chattahoochee River and also the lake so if you want to go out or take lessons, he is your guy! We recently purchased a drift boat (that's a special boat for fly-fishing, for all you uneducated people including myself!) but I can't find a picture of that right now.

Mark also hand ties the flies. He even created his own and dubbed it "the Madeline". I hope she appreciates it! I also hope she plans to go fishing with him since it isn't my favorite activity!