Friday, February 11, 2011

Diaper Dash 2011

Madeline started crawling last Wednesday. It was perfect timing because on Friday I received an email about a Diaper Dash for crawling babies. Being the competitive person that I am, I immediately decided Madeline would race. The grand prize of 3 free months of diapers was quite an incentive! I called Mark to tell him we would be spending our Saturday morning at Babies R Us. He said he was surprised I hadn't woken Madeline up to practice! Ha!

So Saturday morning, armed with toys, keys and stuffed animals and other things that attract Madeline's attention, we headed to the race. I really wanted to bring Yoda since now that Madeline can crawl, she loves to try to grab his tail.

The Course:

Some pre-race stretching and warm ups:
The Bracket
Heat 1

Check out Dominic on the left. He was quite the speedster.

Another competitor: Michael on the right
Heat 1, we choked and didn't leave the starting line.

Madeline was racer #2

One Heat 2, Madeline won! She received a gift card to Babies R Us and qualified for the Championship Race.

During the Championship, she choked again and didn't leave the starting line.

It was a fun filled Saturday morning! She enjoyed playing with the other babies.

"Good Morning"

This how I start my day. And with this to greet me, how can it be a bad day? Once we are done nursing, Mark will get to greet her in the mornings but for now I savor seeing her greet me with her smile! We have dropped the crib mattress since these were taken since she is pulling up now!

Can you see her chompers in this picture? She didn't get one tooth, she got 2 at the exact same time!

9 months old

Madeline had a wonderful 9 month check up. We are enjoying our little one so much. She weighs 17 lbs 12 oz (25-50%), is 27 1/4" long (25-50%) and head is 25%.

"I'm done with this sign."


Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Mark celebrated his birthday this year at Pappadeux's Seafood Kitchen.

Grandad, Mark, Madeline and me

Birthday boy!

Madeline is perusing the adult beverage menu. I had a Swamp Thing.