Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fun with towel pals!

Here are our towel animals from our cruise! I love coming in from dinner and seeing what awaits us! Sometimes it is a little hard to decipher what the animal is. When I was hinting to Mark that I wanted to take a cruise, I made a stingray towel animal on his side of the bed. It worked!!

A bat
A rabbit
A seal

A frog

Mark thinks it is a swan, I think it is a scorpion. Maybe an anteater??

A pig

An elephant

Thanks, Ian (our room steward) for leaving these works of art for us! I love them!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Final day of school

Here is Madeline on her last day of mothers morning out. It has been a wonderful year with Miss Mary and Miss Kim! If you look closely at her chin you can see her "tinkbell bam bam" which is a Tinkerbell bandaid. She scraped her chin at the gymnastics Jubilee (pics to come when I acquire them). Looking at this sweet angelic face, it is hard to believe the ruckus she caused a couple of weeks ago right before Mark and I left for vacation. She started climbing out of her crib the day before we left and continued to do it all week at the grandparents' houses. Sorry, grandparents!! Since we have been back we have been reminding her not to climb out and she is doing better. We are exploring our options. These little people are tough! They lull you into thinking all is well and then they pull an antic and you have to adapt! I am sure this will continue her whole life...