Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Mark and I both have curly hair. We thought our curls would either cancel each other out and she would have stick straight hair or our child would have wild curly hair. You can see which genes won! Look for this photo to make an appearance in her rehearsal dinner photo montage. It makes Mark and me laugh!

Grandad's Birthday

We headed to Marietta to celebrate Grandad's birthday. It was a fun time of family and good food.

So tall with Uncle Kevin!!

Happy Birthday, Grandad! We love you!

Football Season

It's football season and the Macdonald house loves this time of year. Of course, we have to expose our daughter to games and teams. Madeline and Daddy supported their Georgia Tech team on Saturday. Unfortunately a victory wasn't recorded.

"Are they losing?"

Daddy and Madeline discussing the GT strategy.

Never fear, some Gamecock paraphenalia will be making a debut soon!

5 months old!

Our sweet girl continues to grow and bring us joy. We didn't have a doctor appointment this month so I don't know any statistics but I can tell she is growing! Madeline is so smiley and I finally got a smile on camera!

This is one of my favorite photos!

Monday, September 6, 2010

A new toy!

Dr. Muller said we could try the exersaucer out for Madeline. I think she was a little overwhelmed but I know soon she'll be playing with all of those toys! Mark and I had a lot of fun watching her! She's still a little small in the seat so we shoved a blanket around her.

Madeline is growing!

We had our 4 month check-up recently. Madeline got a great report! She currently weighs 13 lbs and 10 oz (50%) and is 24 1/4 inches (50%). Her head is still small, in the 25%. She hates things going over her head and if it was larger, we would have even more trouble getting it through outfits.

We absolutely love our pediatrics group. If you are looking for one in the Alpharetta area, we highly recommend Northpointe Pediatrics. They are great! They were so on top of things the first weekend of Madeline's life when we were dealing with the jaundice and they have continued to impress us and give quality care to our precious little one.

This is what our Friday nights look like now!