Saturday, March 26, 2011

10 months

Madeline is a busy girl! She loves to explore things and discover them. I like to put various objects in a bag or basket and she has the best time pulling them out. She is now a super fast crawler and could win the diaper dash! She also likes to pull herself up on EVERYTHING. Sometimes when she is supposed to be napping, she just stands there and holds onto her crib. She is still doing well sleeping and eating and loves cuddling with the animals.

Her onesie reads "This is my little black dress"
I bought it last year in Destin and it seemed she would never be big enough to wear it!

This is one of my favorite photos. Look at that sweet potato nose!

A Valentine for You!

Happy Valentine's Day!

And for a before and after picture of our SECOND trimming of the bangs! I haven't trimmed any other areas but the bangs get mighty long!
