Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ra-Ra's Visit

Ra-Ra came to visit over a long weekend! It was filled with fun, movies at the theatre ( a novel idea!!) and fondue! We hope she comes back soon! Sarah and I had seen each other several times but the last time she saw Madeline was July 4th. Madeline had changed a lot!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cleaning Crew

My housekeeper comes every other week so in the interim, I have found some additional help....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! Madeline received a sweet monkey balloon from daddy which she loved and then Maarten promptly popped it!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We had fun decorating cookies!

I love this picture. I think more icing made it into Madeline's mouth than actually on the cookie!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


On Wednesdays Madeline and I take Mom and Tot Gymnastics at the Cumming Recreation Center. Everytime I get the leotard out, she gets so excited! We talk about "nastics" often. Since I take the class with her I don't have any pictures of her doing her activities. I have been so impressed with everything she gets to do! I thought it would mostly be stretching with your child. But she goes on the bars, balance beam, rings, trampoline and floor exercises. All of this is heavily spotted but she is really doing a lot! We just signed up for our second session.

Our weekly activity schedule:
Mon- storytime at the library
Tues- Music and Dance class at church
Wed- gymnastics
Thurs- Mothers Morning Out

She has a busy week! But since she only takes one nap a day now, she likes to be out doing things in the morning. Staying in isn't nearly as fun in her opinion!!