Thursday, October 4, 2012

DC and the White House

In August I headed to DC to visit Sarah. We spent a lot of our time watching one of our favorite things: The Olympics! Our Olympic watching together started long ago in 1998 in our freshman dorm when the Games were in Nagano.

We took a paddle boat ride near the Jefferson Memorial.

Sarah got us East and West Wing tours of the White House. It was really neat! One of my favorite things to see was these walls for the President, Vice President and First Lady. They each have an area where there are lots of pictures of them and the images change almost weekly. It was cool to see shots of the day to day activties. I do hope that in a few months there will be photos of the Romney family on the walls! No photography is allowed inside the White House so these are all from the premises.

In front of the West Wing.
Where the press briefings are held...

Police Night Out and a new toy!

Police Departments around the nation hold National Night Out. It is an evening where the community comes together to see some cool demonstrations, have food and some giveaways. This was mine and Madeline's first time attending and it was quite interesting. Fire trucks were there. The canine dogs did a neat demonstration and then Mark's SWAT team did one as well. It was quite impressive but also a little unsettling. I rarely see him in action mode and in this instance, the team was taking down a fleeing car with criminals. The SWAT truck was also there and the kids could see and hold some of the equipment. It is all quite heavy and I am thankful they have it. If your community holds one of these, I would recommend going. It was a fun evening.

Here is Madeline with a badge and headphones.

Madeline received an awesome present from Nana and Grandad. This pink Harlely Davidson Power Wheel! I am actually a little jealous as I never had a power wheel. Just a hot cycle you had to pedal. She loves this thing. She is such a pro now. I have to charge it often.